Now available to eliminate fat under the chin!

SculpSure is now FDA-cleared to reduce fat under the chin in just 25 minutes. The unique applicator system provides a comfortable and precise way to treat a double-chin, resulting in slimmer, more natural-looking results with no surgery and no downtime.

  • High safety profile
  • Well-tolerated treatment *
  • 100% patient satisfaction rating *

*Within submental clinical study. Data on file.

If you feel self-conscious about your body due to excess fatty tissue, you may not want to participate in beach or pool activities. Diet and exercise resistant fat can be difficult or impossible to remove via traditional means. Fortunately, there’s a non-surgical treatment option that can be completed in 25 with no downtime.  SculpSure® by Cynosure® is a FDA-approved innovative laser-based technology that permanently reduces fatty tissue on the areas that bother you. Chevy Chase Dermatology Center is one of the select practices to offer this revolutionary device in the country. If you believe SculpSure® may be right for you, contact us today to schedule a consultation.

Non-invasive, fast, and comfortable, SculpSure® is completely changing how patients address excess fat in “trouble spots.” Utilizing a flat applicator—no suction required—the SculpSure® device delivers thermal energy into the targeted area. This energy is designed to disrupt and destroy fat cells without harming the surrounding tissue. Your body can then eliminate the damaged cells through normal processes.

Gentle yet effective, SculpSure® utilizes a patented controlled cooling system to help enhance your comfort throughout the process. The procedure can be completed in as little as 25 minutes, and SculpSure® can address four areas at one time! After the treatment, you should be able to return to your normal routine immediately.

SculpSure® offers gradual, natural-looking results. You should begin to see the benefits after about six weeks, with the final outcome visible after approximately 12 weeks. In general, you can expect to see a 24 percent reduction in fat in the treated areas. One therapy session can accomplish considerable improvement in body contour, although your cosmetic goals may require additional sessions. Chevy Chase Dermatology Center will develop a customized treatment plan during your initial consultation.

Is SculpSure right for me?
SculpSure is ideal for people with trouble spots, particularly those that seem resistant to diet and exercise.

How many treatments will I need?
Every patient is different. We will work with you to develop a customized treatment plan to meet your desired goals. Call us at (301) 951-7905 to schedule a consultation and discuss what treatment plan is best for you.

What should I expect during the treatment?
Most patients feel a tingling sensation intermittently throughout the treatment which is generally well-tolerated.2

How long will results last?
Treated fat cells are destroyed during the treatment and will not regenerate.

When will I see results?
Patients may start to see results as early as 6 weeks following treatment as the body begins to evacuate the destroyed fat cells, with optimal results usually seen at 12 weeks.

SculpSure, so you can have the treatment during your lunch hour and return to work immediately.

What is the difference between fat loss and weight loss?
The number of fat cells stored in our bodies typically remain constant throughout adult life. After the SculpSure treatment, the destroyed fat cells will not return. However, as we lose weight, the size of fat cells become smaller, but typically do not decrease in number. Even with diet and exercise, many people have difficulty losing weight in these trouble areas.

You can also see how SculpSure® compares to CoolSculpting by viewing this helpful infographic here.

For more information about how SculpSure® can help you achieve your body contouring goals, please contact our office today. Our knowledgeable medical team can answer your questions and help you schedule a consultation.  

Get rid of fat today with SculpSure! Book an appointment at our Chevy Chase, MD office by calling

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5454 Wisconsin Ave, Ste 1400, Chevy Chase, MD, 2081

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Office is closed for lunch hour between 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM


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